Final Reflection

–Your own goals, for this course, this semester, about what you wanted to know/do: “re: college writing”

–Learning outcomes for this course (in syllabus) : 1. You think we did a lot, really well. 2. You think we could’ve done better at. or type in UofL English 101 outcomes.

— concrete, specific examples

–assignment number 4 and assignment 1 redo

— process (peer review), genre conventions, structure.

–example for each

— 500 words is the limit. no more than 1000

Assignment 4 To Do List

For my prezzi, i only have the first 7 slides done. They so far contain two photos and a video. I’m choosing to add more photos and videos because I think that just reading slides would be boring.

I need to:

~Finish adding in my pictures for each example/slide.

~Create my opinion slide.

~Explain why I chose a clip from the movie Accepted.

~Create my conclusion slide.

Assignment 4 Digital Ideas

If I was to make a “digital argument” about my topic I would choose Prezzi. I would choose Prezzi because in my opinion, visual arguments are more likely to be respected for my age. No one wants to sit and read from a journal all day because we are forced to read enough in high school. I think Prezzi is a cool, unique, and modern way of representing ideas. It would also be a great source to use for my topic because I have a lot of statistical information throughout my paper. I can vividly picture all of the statistics rolling out in cool ways that will grab the attention of others in a Prezzi, rather than reading another Word document loaded with information. In my opinion, the Prezzi will make my paper seem more controlled information wise and will make it more appealing. With a Prezzi, I can also use pictures, sound, or really anything I would like. I also have a lot of experience with Prezzi because we used it a lot in high school. Prezzi also looks really polished and clean when presented to a group of people. If I was using this argument in the real world I would want people to take it seriously and for it to look like I spent a lot of time o it. I think that Prezzi would be the right multimedia choice for this assignment.

In Class writing 10/28

A lot of people claim that a good education is what you make of it. A teacher can offer you everything you need to succeed, but it’s what you do with it that matters. In my specific topic, I talked more about college and kind of represented a negative point of view. I said that a good education means bankruptcy for almost all involved. I said this because of the enormous incline of tuition over the last century, especially the last twenty years or so.

The key assumptions underneath my argument be that you need to be a rich person in order to afford college without complaints. And yes scholarships can always be an answer, but not everyone receives them. I take this to heart because I had a 4.0, was involved in a lot of extracurricular activities, and had a pretty good ACT score. I didn’t receive one scholarship and I’m almost paying full tuition to attend the University of Louisville. So in my opinion, to get a good college education you need to either (a) be rich, or (b) have connections in the scholarship system.

In-Class Writing A3

I’m going to choose my first source, which was an article. I’m going to choose this one because the one article, in my opinion, sums everything that my other sources discuss. It gives you the statistics, perspectives, and graphs that will show and prove that tuition has in fact increased since the 20th century. The elements of an argument that are most effective in this article would be reasons, assumptions, evidence, and claims. But, my number one would have to be evidence. I would say that evidence is the most important argument element in this article because this article is packed full with numbers and statistics. It also uses a lot of dates, charts, and amounts to represent the incline of tuition.

I would be able to write about this one a lot because of all the details represented through this source. I can also relate to this article because it mainly concentrates on the students view of tuition increase. How are we, most fresh out of high school, supposed to afford a “mandatory” college education? Why don’t they set the rate at something that can actually be afforded by and 18-20 year old rather than his/her parents? Going to school is something most people spend their whole lives paying back. Teachers, which is my future profession, make less in a year than what I’m paying for all four years of school. That really confuses me and I think that article directly shows that they have the ability to lower tuition. But, now that college is becoming more popular they want the extra money.

My second source would have to be the visual I chose. I chose a graph that directly shows the incline of tuition. I think this might be helpful for people who need to see a visual in order to really comprehend. Sometimes seeing a bunch of number don’t work for everyone. The element of an argument that this grog represents would be evidence again. Stats and facts are always a great way to represent a point. People always believe things when you throw in some stats. I know for sure that I do. Now I’m out of things to say lalalaalalalala. I also think that these two sources show kind of the same concepts, and that will help tie them together to create a strong paper.

Ads With Rhetorical Appeal

7.) This is the ad featuring Jennifer Aniston and SmartWater. I think that this ad gives off an ethical and somewhat of an emotional appeal. Jennifer Aniston is known to be a beautiful, nice, fit, and caring actress. Of course if she’s seen with SmartWater, then everybody will want to be drinking SmartWater. I know I love Jennifer Aniston and I would probably fall for this appeal. I think that is the ethical standpoint of the ad because she’s giving that brand of water credibility. On the emotional side of the ad, everyone knows that she’s beautiful and fit. Therefore, when people see her they think, “I want to look her, maybe I should drink that brand of water also.” I find this form of appeal very effective because everyone wants to loo like a movie star and do things that see movie stars and celebrities doing, especially women. I know a lot of young girls and women who would be highly effected by this ad.

11.) This is the ad titled, T.V. Made Me Do It. This to me is an emotional appeal. I mean, the kid is standing there in the picture next to  a barbie he has stabbed. The ad is pretty much trying to the get a message across that today’s media is destroying our children. And that, if you don’t stop you’re kid from watching these types of thing on television, then your child will become a murderer. No one wants their kid to be a murder, so parents are going to begin to feel the emotions of fear and nervousness. This ad is also very disturbing and would mess with anyone’s emotions. I think that the emotional appeal used in this ad is effective because like i said previously, it’s just disturbing. It messes with your emotions just by taking one glance at the ad.

To me, the most effective appeal is the emotional appeal. Once you mess with someone’s emotions, you can talk someone into doing pretty much anything you desire. Women are especially bad at this type of thing, or at least I am. I can’t deal with those sad dog commercials and sad child commercials around Christmas. They make me feel extremely sad and I always want to give to the foundation, and that’s exactly what the ad was supposed to do.

Where are you on this topic? Assignment 2

Based on what I’ve read so far, I really enjoy my topic. My topic is something that I am completely interested in and want to explore further. My topic being, what makes a good eduction in terms of money from the 20th century to now? How much money are we spending  a year on higher education? Why have tuition prices increased so vividly over the last few years? These are questions that I wanted to find answers for.

The arguments that I have found most compelling would be the one involving parent’s taking out loans for their children. Why are parents taking out loans for their children? Because no eighteen year old can afford to attend a ten thousand dollar university on their own. Back in the 20th century, college was much more affordable. If a child saved, he/she could maybe pay most of their tuition on their own. And, college wasn’t as big of a necessity back then. Kids weren’t told by their high school that they had to go to college or they would fail. They only went if they wanted to get an education and if they could afford it. Now, college has become a necessity in today’s society. Children are being forced to go and they can’t afford it. Why do we consider college a necessity when it’s priced as a luxury?

The evidence I would use would be the parents paying for loans and the tuition rates increasing. I think that these two clearly represent how much things have changed in terms of money from the 20th century to now. Like I explained in the previous paragraph, we are getting to the point where we are going to have “poor parents.”

And I am stuck right now lalalalalalalalala. I stand for college tuition rates decreasing! The whole world isn’t rich, the whole world isn’t Albert Einstein, and I think college boards need to get a grip and realize this.

What does it mean to get a good education?

I picked the topic of, what does it mean to get a good education in the United states in the 19th century vs. the 21st century? From what I already know, college or school in general wasn’t a necessity in the 19th century. Now, both are almost required. In today’s world, you are stereotyped. If you don’t go to college you’re either (a) lazy, (b) stupid, or (c) not motivated to have a good life. Even though I am currently in college, I completely disagree with this statement. Looking back, our counselors in high school pushed us so hard to go to college and never let us see what else was out there. There’s this thing in Americans minds today that says, “If you don’t go to college then you will fail at life.” And I just completely don’t understand it. Sure  if you want to go, go. If you don’t want to go, our society should consider that fine too. Back in the 19th century, everyone couldn’t go to college because of the prices. And people then understood that. It costs an arm and a leg to go to college, and some people just really can not afford to attend. I think in today’s society we judge way to harshly.

I am stuck stuck stuck right now. I don’t know what to say so I made  a new paragraph. Now I don’t want this paper to sound like I’m being a “hater” on todays views on education. I’m not. Both sides have their wrongs and rights. For instance, back in the 19th century, school wasn’t valued whatsoever. Children weren’t forced to attend because they were made to work in factories to help pay the bills. That to me is ridiculous. A seven year old child should be in school learning his or her multiplication tables, not sewing someones clothes in a factory. I do think that today’s society does attempt to have a higher value of education. It’s hard to say though because of the sky rocket high prices. I also don’t like how in today’s society you were considered a child and made to walk in single-file lines just in May of this year. Now, the society expects to you be able to pay in your own bills, make life-changing decisions, etc., in a matter of only two months. I am kind of going on two topics here and I wonder how I can mush the two together to form one. Hmmm… Questions.

I just hate how the American society views college. Like you can’t live without it when it costs a big, whopping 50,000 dollars for four years!!!!!

“I Just Wanna Be Average”

I see one moment of a good narrative whenever Mike Rose is talking about how Mr. McFarland began talking with him about college. Mike Rose gave a descriptive experience on how he came to be a college student in multiple paragraphs. He explained how Mr. McFarland helped him and how his help was greatly appreciated in the end. I think it also fits a good narrative because he stays on one specific topic and runs with it.

I see one moment of good language when Mike Rose described everything that he could vividly remember about Mr. McFarland. He listed the books he read, the way he smelt, the way he looked, how he affected others, etc. It gave me a really strong mental picture of what this teacher would be like. He uses this tactic on page 138.

To me, there wasn’t just one moment where his message was conveyed. I think his message was on display throughout the entire  narrative. I really was drawn to believe that his message was that one teacher can effector influence you forever. Throughout the paper he kept discussing how his teacher helped him, how his teacher looked, what his teacher did in life, and then he would always come back to how Mr. McFarland inspired him.

How did you get here?

I remember sitting in my fifth grade classroom and hearing my teacher bring in special guests to talk about college with us. I remember feeling like this was way too early to begin having this discussion, after all I was only 10 years old. Reflecting on that now, I see that it is never to early to begin talking about college with your peers and teachers. everything you do, or don’t do, in school throughout your life is documented. College admission boards and scholarship people look at those documents when deciding on whether or not you will win the scholarship or be accepted to the school of your dreams. At that time, you may not think that D in freshmen algebra will matter when you’re a senior or a college freshmen, but it all matters. Colleges look at your gpa, your records, etc. They don’t want a kid in their classroom that can’t spell pop forwards or backwards. Then again, in the 7th grade, they started discussing college in further detail than they had previously. At the time were all thinking, “Can we not get through high school first?” I knew I would be coming to UofL around January of my senior year. I had always thought, up until my senior year, that I knew I was going to UofL. Then I started questioning my decision when my friends were making the bold choice to go away. I talked about WKU, Morehead State, but the University of Louisville always sat in the back of my mind. One day, I just made the descsion that I didn’t want to go away and that I wanted to stay home. None of those other schools appealed to me as much as the University of Louisville did. I felt like I was at home walking around the campus. It may be because both of my parents went here, and i felt like i was doing what I was supposed to do, or maybe because I knew I was going to succeed here at UofL. Uofl wasn’t cheap for my parents either. I had a 4.0 GPA and was involved in pretty much all the extracurricular activities possible at my high school. But, my ACT score rolled out as a not so strong 22, and it just wasn’t good enough to get the financial aid i needed. I know that I will do well in school because I have to pay it back eventually, with a little bit of my parents help. I think that knowing that will really help me succeed throughout these four years.

im awesome :)